Thursday, 2 June 2016

My First Exhibition in Tokyo!!

Hello everyone!!
It's been more than 6 months since I moved to Tokyo.
Finally, life is starting to settle down here.
So... it's the time to have a exhibition!!
I hope everyone come!!! We're organizing the small party on 25th of June!!
Come and join us for fun night:)

A-nya.PoPo First Solo Exhibition 

2016.6.24 Fri - 6.26 Sun
6.24 Fri:17:00 - 20:00  
6.25 Sat:12:00 - 20:00 ※18:00〜Opening Reception 
6.26 Sun:12:00 - 17:00  
◆Opening Reception : 6.25 Sat 18:00-20:00 (BYO)

3-21-6 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Oosaki building 3F
(9min. walk from JR Harajuku stn.)
(5min. walk from Meiji-jingumae stn. EXIT 5)

[Exhibition Description]
A-nya.PoPo has lead quite the crazy life. A lot of ups and downs made her into the creator she is today. It feels like a miracle to be here. And the only way she made it this far was through the love and support of all her dear ones and her powerful imagination. 
A-nya.PoPo’s father is a poet; and her mum an artist. Since a very young age she would help the now departed Moe Nahara run a very unconventional art school for children and learning creative skills, she kept on making art ever since. Haruo Fujita’s poetic eyes always communicated the value and beauty of life to her.
After a fantastic year of studying art in London she is now back to Tokyo and decided it's was time to give back and open her world for public.
In the show, you will navigate through her cross disciplinary books made in London and meet all her funny and imaginative friends floating around in space. 
Welcome to A-nya.PoPo's world, enjoy her magical world.

A-nya.PoPo First Solo Exhibition 

2016.6.24 (金) - 6.26 (日)
金:17:00 - 20:00  
土:12:00 - 20:00 ※18:00〜Opening Reception 
日:12:00 - 17:00  
◆オープニングレセプション: 6.25(土)18:00-20:00

THE blank GALLERY 原宿
東京都渋谷区神宮前3-21-6 大崎ビル3F
(JR原宿駅 竹下口 徒歩9分/東京メトロ副都心線 明治神宮前駅 出口5 徒歩5分)

A-nya.PoPo(アーニャ・ポポ)初個展in 東京。
本個展では、ロンドン留学中に制作した作品はもちろん、世界を旅するPoPoさんシリーズ、Book Art絵本、思わず笑顔が溢れ出るイラストレーションの数々が展示されます。この初夏、原宿で始動するA-nya.PoPoワールドへようこそ!