Monday, 16 February 2015

★Starting Final Major Project!!★

I have been joining the one year Graphic Design course in London College of Communication(University of the Arts London) since last September.

As part of the curriculum, we were allowed to choose any topic we want do for our Final Major Project(FMP)!!
And I would love to make an another Children's picture book as my final major project!!!!

Thanks to my great tutor at college, she has been letting us to try a lot of experimentation and we really didn't have to stick to the genre of "Graphic Design", which made us discovering ourselves more. I feel so lucky that my tutor was her.
So, In last six months, I have made a sound movie installation, children's picture book(illustration), e-book(painting),branding posters and cups(Lino-cut&digital) while I have still been doing my own project at the same time.

Before I joined this course, I wasn't really sure what the best way to combine my writing and illustrations. But after making my first book "My place" last year, I finally felt "this is what I have wanted to do"!!!! So, I now know what I want to do in the future, and I would like to take this final project as practical as I can.

Therefore, I have decided to make new children's picture book as my final major project. It's 2 months project (by middle of April).

I will start the project from researching what kind of successful children’s bookmaker there are. Mainly I plan to focus on the area in Europe as I plan to make a book in English this time. I will see what kind of narrative and design were used. Also I plan to visit bookshop as many as I can to find out the current children’s book market and what kind of bookshop there are in London.

At the same time, I will keep making the life journal, as I tend to get inspirations of stories from my daily life. What is more, In end of this project, I'm planing to go to Bologna Children's Bookfair in Italy with the new book, if I could managed to finish making it by then. The one of my dream is to publish my book, so I guess it's important to get contact with professionals such as publishers, other illustrators and writer, and get feedback from them.

Anyway, I will try to keep updating my project on this blog, so I hope you enjoy it;)

The label will be #FMP, #learning!

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